Tuesday, August 15, 2017

“The Mother When you need”

“The mother when you need”
Sitapur in Haldwani, Uttarakhand

While the birds in Sitapur are ready to chirp, the fresh mornings are quite hurdle to visualize in winter, she stands ahead within the crops to follow her task. She is the mother of three, packed with the herd of cow and buffaloes, and response them as mother as well. She is always soft and listens you more than what we do. She is not limited to her task, while she is also busy in making her shirt, a shirt which baby demands to change after pee. She is of her unknown nature of mother she manages the family, so tough and cracking the hurdles of life is just way of living life, she believes. She cares for her none, she smiles more without having shadow of a pain but being in feign. She is impregnable to her faith; she is incomparable to many and beholds the title of “The Mother When You need”. I believe Haldwani is a beautiful place for scenic view within hills, so as the people here are. She is courageous and brave to grasp all the waves. She puts her children to school; they are being graduated soon, but she didn’t lead the tradition of poor female child unborn to light of knowledge, her girl is in high school.  She cares and protects her family and holder of light as mother to many. She accepts her village as her home. She structured her children in days of pain, accepted all hurdles to make them feed more than well. She is the mother of many, the creator of family, the worker of her garden and a food bearer to me. I can’t forget the days she served her food when I was in Haldwani. She cares you more than you think about a fore. She is the charming mother while your home is thousand kilometres far. She is not by blood, my mother of different brother. She controls the establishment of her own and loves the nature of what she is! To her a family is where your heart rests under the shelter of a tree. She never demands her will, she loves to serve; she loves the fragrance of joy and pure love. She is so innocent that she cries within her eyes, not letting the tears roll down so that her children will not break down. She safeguards you when your bloods are not beside you; mothers are known to be carefree where this ‘Woman’ holds thee. She understands before we look for food, she preserves you so that your mother doesn’t complain about you. She fortifies her blood and we as many. She is invincible and always been. She has always been indefatigable and worthy to her family and me. She is a woman of no haughty and arrogance, she serves more than other deserves. 

She cares all than what we expect, she talks more than we think and she loves more than we are. She holds her person of love tight having pain in deep drive, she speaks none for her pain, she build her family with gain. To her children she is the shelter more like a tree. She is a person more than what her family deserves. Nothing can be compared to her; she is oblivious to protect her family. She is the protector of her realm and we as vagabond as many. She is a woman of pious, not only for herself but the world so far. She is “Deepa Pandey” of the Sitapur village, Haldwani in Uttarakhand. She is indelible to me. I owe to her, I don't know how to pay her debts. She says ‘home is where the heart is’. Thus, I call her  “A mother instead”...

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